Extensive Online Documentation
What's online documentation? How could it allow you to get more familiar with the concept of Internet hosting?
Even though the web hosting service supplied by the different companies is almost identical, each provider has got a personalized platform with its own tweaks and ways to complete certain tasks. In this situation, an info-packed knowledge base will be exceptionally useful both for persons with zero prior experience and for technically advanced users who will sooner or later find out how given operations are completed, but will waste time meanwhile. The aim of such a knowledge base is to help make the hosting service fast and simple to use, saving users plenty of time and effort. The consequence is more satisfied customers, since they can quickly find the information they desire, and a lot less work for the customer service staff members, because usually most of the inquiries and problems that clients have are already listed in the knowledge base. On the condition that the articles are expertly written and cover more topics, you will be able to learn more not only about your own account, but also about the web hosting service as a whole.
Extensive Online Documentation in Shared Web Hosting
If you buy a shared web hosting package from our company, you’ll acquire access to our in-depth online documentation where you will find information about more or less everything related to our hosting solutions. The topics range from how to create an email address on your mobile device, to how to do various things using an .htaccess config file. The articles themselves are written in an easy-to-understand fashion and feature thorough guides on how to complete a specific task inside your Hepsia hosting Control Panel. You can also find information that’s not associated directly with Hepsia, for example one that concerns web-based apps on your computer. The complete list of articles will be available in the Help section of the Control Panel, but those that are relevant to a certain section can be accessed on the spot. Considering the fact that we have included as many topics as possible, you’ll be able to discover pretty much everything connected to your account.