FTP, which stands for File Transfer Protocol, is the most famous way to transmit web content to a hosting account. With an FTP client application that’s pre-installed on your desktop or laptop computer, you can establish a connection to your hosting server and copy all of the web files that you want with several clicks of the mouse. This is done using an intuitive graphical interface and it is as easy as dragging and dropping the files in question. The advantage of using FTP is that you can create several FTP accounts, each with a different level of access to your web space, so if you wish to grant somebody access, for instance – a designer, they will be able to connect only to one particular folder and will not be able to access the rest of your web content or any other information, including private details. Three prerequisites are necessary to be able to make an FTP connection – a hostname, which is usually a domain name or an IP, a username and a password.

FTP Accounts in Shared Web Hosting

Creating and managing multiple FTP accounts will be quite easy with each of our shared web hosting. This service isn’t limited, so with our easy-to-navigate Hepsia Control Panel, you will be able to create as many accounts as you need to administer your websites and to get your website-connected tasks accomplished. If you hire a designer and they are done with the site, for instance, you can edit the FTP password or delete the entire FTP account with just one single mouse click via the Control Panel. For your convenience, you’ll be able to view a list of all the accounts that you’ve created and the directories that they can access. Useful functions such as editing the password or the path and downloading an auto-config file for widely used FTP apps are also just a mouse click away.

FTP Accounts in VPS Servers

If you open a VPS servers with our company and choose any of the 3 hosting Control Panels that we are offering – DirectAdmin, Hepsia or cPanel, an FTP server will be installed on your VPS, since it’s an integral part of the standard software package that comes with all VPS servers ordered with a Control Panel. This will permit you to set up as many FTP accounts as you need and to indicate the folder that each one of them can access. If you wish, you can even create multiple FTP accounts for one and the same domain and give different users their own log-in credentials to access the content. Each of the 3 Control Panels will offer you the ability to create, to modify or to delete an FTP account in several easy steps and with no more than a few clicks, so even in case you don’t possess any previous experience, you will be able to manage an account in a seamless way.