Managing your own hosting machine might not be super easy and in some situations it could be incredibly aggravating, particularly if you do not have lots of experience and you are not sure how to proceed in certain cases. The hosting server has its own Operating System and processes running on it, consequently you may have to cope with problems that you have not experienced with a standard shared hosting plan where the service provider addresses the hosting server maintenance while you handle just your web content via a website hosting Cp. If some service stops responding, for example, or some process start overloading the hosting server, you'll have to take measures to restore the proper functioning of the hosting server. In the event that you have not dealt with these kinds of situations in the past, you'll be able to take advantage of the Monitoring & Rebooting feature, that's part of our optional Managed Services upgrade pack.

Monitoring and Rebooting in VPS Servers

You are able to use our service with any of the plans that we offer as the Managed Services package might be added to any VPS server and at any moment. Not simply will our admins keep an eye on what goes on with your Virtual private server, but they will also find out what the reason for a specific problem was before they reboot it. If a process is not responding, a service if off for some reason or some app starts taking an excessive amount of processing time or physical memory, they will react right away and shall do everything that is necessary to restore the proper operation of your websites. Numerous automated checks for different system services shall also be enabled for the VPS, so you'll not have to pay big money to other companies for monitoring services, specially having in mind that they could inform you about a problem, but cannot do anything about it. With our tracking service you are able to save not only money, but also time.

Monitoring and Rebooting in Dedicated Servers

It shall take you a couple of clicks to add the Managed Services bundle to the dedicated server plan that you have chosen and our seasoned group of administrators will begin monitoring the machine closely to make sure that it is up and running adequately all of the time. A lot of automated checks will also be included, so they shall be aware of any issue the moment it appears. High Processor load, an app using an excessive amount of memory or a system process which has stopped responding are just a few illustrations of the issues we can keep an eye for and deal with once the cause for their appearance is determined. If necessary, the dedicated hosting machine will also be restarted, so you'll not have to do anything on your end. With this service you will not have to pay to third-party monitoring businesses that can just alert you if anything goes wrong but don't have the access to deal with an issue.